The renowned musical group Mannheim Steamroller, known for their innovative blend of classical music and modern rock, is set to light up the Wachholz College Center with their mesmerizing holiday performance on November 20, 2024. This event promises to be a highlight of the holiday season for residents and visitors of Kalispell.
Mannheim Steamroller Christmas, founded by Grammy Award®-winning composer and musician Chip Davis, has been a holiday staple for decades. Their unique sound has captivated audiences worldwide, blending classical arrangements with contemporary rock, creating a musical experience that is both timeless and cutting-edge.
Don’t miss the opportunity to witness this spectacular performance. Join us on November 20 for an evening filled with music, magic, and holiday spirit as Mannheim Steamroller brings their world-famous show to Kalispell.
Tickets can be purchased online at or call the Wachholz College Center ticket office at 406.756.1400.