Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Committee Wants To Investigate Former Senate President

GOP Senate Leadership is investigating one of their own, when one of their former leaders personal business interacted with a state contract. Former Senate President Jason Ellsworth, a Republican from Hamilton, finds himself in hot water over a contract he signed with a business associate to evaluate the work of the committee he heads, the Senate Interim Committee on Judicial Oversight and Reform. The Daily Montanan reports that the outside consultant, Bryce Eggleston’s Agile Analytics received the state contract to analyze the 27-bills the Judicial Oversight Committee has in the hopper. What’s got the rest of the committee riled-up is that the contract was apparently signed–by Ellsworth, without the committee’s consent. We’re told that the current Senate President, Matt Regier of Kalispell, is concerned about this situation, for fear it might negate the work the committee has done in producing legislation towards Judicial Reform.
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