Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Glacier Park 2025 Seasonal Hiring Freeze

The Trump Administration’s Federal Hiring Freeze is causing concern at Glacier Park and the surrounding areas. The Hungry Horse News’ Chris Peterson broke the story last Friday, revealing that seasonal workers have had their job offers for next summer rescinded. These are the seasonal workers who operate the Park’s campgrounds, maintain the bathrooms and trash containers, clear the trails and…yes, even seasonal Park Rangers and the people who man the gates at the park entrances. While Glacier Park Administrators have remained mum on the subject, the matter has come before Sen. Steve Daines, whom we understand it talking with the White House about the situation. His office says, “Sen. Daines believes our parks and park employees are an important part of our Montana way of life and is working with the administration on this directive.” Glacier National Park received 3.2-million visits last year, providing $554-million to our local economy, supporting upwards of 6,000-jobs.  
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