Montana’s House Democrats are focusing on Medicate Expansion with House Bill 230, announced by Rep. Mary Caferro of Helena. She says there are over 50 co-sponsors of the bill, renewing the state’s existing Medicaid program, restoring rural customer service centers and eliminating bureaucratic barriers–including redundant forms.
The Expanded Medicaid covers nearly 80,000 Montanans. Adults making under 138% of the Federal Poverty Level receive preventive care, which saves lives by catching disease early. Of those currently enrolled, 95% have jobs or a reasonable impediment to getting one.
Sen. Cora Neumann of Bozeman, a public health professional, tells us, “Medicaid has been a major success for Montana. It keeps the state healthy, saves money, and saves lives.” Renewing it, she says, should be a no-brainer. D
Next up for House Bill 230 is a hearing today before the House Committee on Human Services.