Interesting fact: in Flathead County, there are 42-people available for every 100-jobs. That means that–right now, we’re working with 42% of the people we need to fill the jobs in our County. We’ll get some insights into that and what is being done about it tomorrow morning at 7:20 on Glacier Banks Community Conversations. Discover Kalispell Chamber’s Workforce and Special Initiatives Director Jenn Cronk brings us up-to-date…and the opportunities for us all to get involved.
The KGEZ Good Morning Show begins at 6:00 with 75-minutes of news and information in our 20-20 News Overnight Summary, beginning at 6:00 and continuing after 7:00 with the Sportsman Ski Haus First Expanded Local News.
Another aspect of our workforce is childcare. The Nurturing Center’s Jennifer Severe tells us what’s being done so single mothers can go to work every day. And at 9:30, FWP’s Dillon Tabish reminds us that last year’s fishing and hunting licenses are outdated and we’ll need to get the 2025-versions. And if you’re hoping to get a special tag this year, Dillon will explain how to get yours…and when to apply.
If you miss any of these great conversations, go to the In Case You Missed It section.