All that’s left to complete the difficult chapter in our city’s history is the City Council’s ratification of the agreement worked out with the Flathead Warming Center. The vote on that comes at their Monday, March 17th meeting.
The out-of-court settlement of the Warming Center’s lawsuit permanently restores the facility’s Conditional Use Permit revoked by the Council, effectively shutting down shelter for up to 50 homeless people. The suit, heard in the Missoula Federal Courtroom of Judge Dana Christensen, produced a temporary injunction keeping the Warming Center open until the case was concluded.
City Manager Doug Russell tells the Daily Inter Lake that there are legal documents to be processed prior to the Council’s next regular session. Mayor Mark Johnson, whose signature is required on the documents, says he’ll be out of town that night.
As part of the agreement, the City will pay about $140,000 in legal fees to the Institute For Justice, representing the Warming Center.
Wednesday afternoon at 12:45, the Warming Center’s Exec. Dir. Tonya Horn joined us for Warming Center Wednesday on KGEZ.