Sunday, 9 March 2025

Kalispell City Council Sifts Through Biosolids Alternatives

At their Monday Work Session, the Kalispell City Council began the task of determining how we’ll dispose of our biosolids. Along with new newest EPA guidelines on PFAS in our water supply, new regulations surrounding biosolids are likely in the new future. Out wastewater is handled by dividing it into 2-elements: water and solid materials. The water is handled through our Wastewater Treatment Plant on Airport Road. For now, 70% of our biosolids are converted into Glacier Gold compost, at their Olney plant. But, that contract ends in March. The remaining 30% goes to the County Landfill. There are alternatives. One is to work with Advanced Engineering & Environmental Services, consultants that specialize in biosolids disposal. They are recommending new equipment at our Advanced Waste Water Treatment Plant on Airport Road. But the equipment to take it in-house will run around $6.8-million. A number of Agencies come into play, including FWP, Army Corps of Engineers, DEQ and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. As with all Work Sessions, no votes are taken…only open discussions with City Staff and Council taking-in information.
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