There are 6-bills working their way through the Montana Legislature, aimed at the three issues Montanans consider most important. Rep Jonathon Karlet (D-Missoula) appears on the Glacier Banks Community Conversations Tuesday morning at 7:20. Rep. Karlen will explain to John and Robin what these bipartisan bills can do to solve Property Tax Increases, childcare and healthcare.
The KGEZ Good Morning Show begins at 6:00 with the 20-20 News Overnight Summary, to get you up-to-date as you’re getting up. At 7:00, we’ll continue with the Sportsman Ski Haus First Expanded Local News.
Much is happening in our Nation’s Capital. Our Exclusive KGEZ Good Morning Drill Downs, with correspondents Bob Costantini and Linda Kenyon, gives you observations, not opinions. We deliver twice each morning: 7:50 and 8:30.
Over 400-students attend the Stillwater Christian School, off Willow Glen Drive, but few of us know much about this school. At 9:10, you’ll find out as we talk with the Head of School, Dr. Laura McCollom.
If you miss any of these great conversations, you’ll find them at