Tuesday, 25 March 2025

NW MT History Museum – John White Speaker Series

For 23 years, the Northwest Montana History Museum has organized presentations on the many facets of Montana history for its John White Series. The Series pays tribute to beloved former staff members John White Sr. and Jr. of Central School. The 1894 schoolhouse is Kalispell’s oldest public building and home to Northwest Montana’s premier history museum. Beginning right after the Holidays, the John White Series presents a major lecture every other Sunday. The first features Jack Gladstone, on January 5th at 2PM. His topic, “C.M. Russell: Heritage and Legacy” Each talk goes deep on aspects of Montana life and history. Reservations are being taken now for what is usually a complete sell-out. Contact the NW Montana History Museum. The John White Series is a fundraiser for the NW Montana History Museum. Here’s the schedule for the remainder of the Series: Jan. 19 – Sally Thompson on “Northwest Montana Stories and How They Shape Our Lives” Feb. 2 – Aspen and Cameron Decker on “Our Belongings: Salish Art and Toolmaking” Feb. 16 – Denny Olson on “Glacier National Park: The Little-known Stories Behind the Grandeur” Northwest Montana History Museum Exec. Dir Margret Davis appeared on the KGEZ Good Morning Show with more information on the series.  Her discussion is in the In Case You Missed It section of this website.  
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