Those doing business with “From the Ground Up Construction” or “NGL Construction” will be getting some of their money back from the owner, Nathainel Gevern Lewis. Turns out that, according to the State Office of Consumer Protection, Lewis’ companies solicited consumers for construction related services–paid up front, but then failed to complete the work.
Attorney General Austin Knudsen tells us that, sometimes, Lewis would demolish walls or decks, claiming non-existent issues or building code violations–then demand more money to fix those “problems”.
The website Bizapedia lists several complaints from customers, noting safety issues and long delays in completing the projects. One person paid $28,000 up-front to construct a garage. He never showed up to do the work. One person noted that he employed non-qualified workers who, they say, never got paid.
Lewis has signed an agreement to pay $200,000 in restitution, contingent on District Court approval.