Tuesday, 25 March 2025

Whitefish To Compensate Elected Officials

Unlike the Kalispell and Columbia Falls City Council Members and Mayors, Whitefish Councilors and the Mayor receive no remuneration for their efforts. That will be changing, as Councilors consider ways to attract younger and working-class members of the community serve. The vote to amend the City Charter passed by 53%, so now it’s up the Council to take it from here. They’re looking to a survey by the Montana League of Cities and Towns for help in crafting a compensation package. For comparison sake, Kalispell Council Members are paid $5,000 annually, along with health & dental insurance and an annual stipend of $900. The Mayor is paid $9,000 with an annual stipend of $1,800. In Columbia Falls, the Mayor receives $400 and Council Members $200. Whitefish Mayor John Mulfeld, who’s held that position for 18-years, is on the KGEZ Good Morning Show Wednesday morning at 7:20 for Glacier Banks Community Conversations. We’ll also get the latest on Whitefish’s preparations for the 69th Montana Legislature right after the first of the year.
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