Kalispell Schools will be asking voters for a High School Levy May 6th. That decision was made at Tuesday night’s School Board Meeting. The amount is up for discussion, but the prevailing recommendation is for the maximum allowed by law to fund the high schools.
Appearing on the KGEZ Good Morning Show, Superintendent Matt Jensen (Pictured above) tells us the district is really up against it, working without a levy for the past 18-years, they’ve done everything they can to keep the District in the black, but now, they’re nearly $3-million away from funding the district. He told John & Robin that the funding mechanism for Montana’s Public Schools is complicated. The State funds only programs that include the 3-R’s, which leaves the Music, Arts, Vo-Ag and other classes paid-for by local funding–or levies.
He reiterates, when you consider the cost of living increases over the past 18-years, it’s small wonder the district is now at a crisis point. There’s a lot to explain to voters in the coming weeks up to the May 6th levy election.