For the first time since he lost his re-election, Former Sen. Jon Tester visits the KGEZ Good Morning Show as a private citizen. And this time, he’ll be telling us how how things look to him from the sidelines. Wednesday morning at 9:10.
The Award-Winning KGEZ Good Morning Show begins at 6:00 with the 20-20 News Overnight Summary, getting you up-to-date as you’re getting up. It continues past 7:00 with the Sportsman Ski Haus First Expanded Local News.
At 7:20 for Glacier Banks Community Conversations, our guest is State Senator Shane Morigeau, a Democrat from Missoula. He’ll bring us up-to-date of Property Tax Reform, Childcare and Medicaid Expansion as these issues work their way through the Legislature.
Our Exclusive KGEZ Good Morning Show Drill Downs review Pres. Donald Trump’s address a Joint-Session of Congress at 7:50 and 8:30. It’s observations, not opinions.
If you miss any of our great conversations, to to the In Case You Missed It Section.