Tuesday, 25 March 2025

Montana’s Voter Turnout 2nd Highest In History

This year’s General Elections turned-out the second-highest numbers of voters in Montana’s history…75% of registered voters. The highest? The last time President-Elect Trump ran…2020, when 81% turned-out. While the percentages were down a bit from 4-years ago, the number of voters hit an all-time high. Secretary of State Christie Jacobsen tells us we had 802,000-registered voters this time around…50,000-more than 4-yeara ago. This election-cycle yielded a complete sweep of statewide offices for the GOP. The sole Democrat, Sen. Jon Tester lost his bid for a 4th term to former Navy Seal Tim Sheehy. Turnaround is fair play. It was a young upstart legislator, Jon Tester, who upset the longest-serving Republican Senator in the state’s history, Conrad Burns, 18-years ago. Ironically, Burns wasn’t able to secure a 4th term…just as Tester. In Congress, Ryan Zinke will continue to represent Western Montana and in Eastern Montana, State Auditor Troy Downing heads to D.C. Every other Statewide office is now headed by a Republican, including Gov. Greg Gianforte and Lt. Gov. Kristen Juras, Secretary of State Christie Jacobsen, Attorney General Austin Knudsen, Superintendent of Public Instruction Susie Hadelin and State Auditor James Brown.
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